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Do you need a website?

do you need a website

The short answer is YES you do need a website. If you are serious about building your personal brand, a website is an absolute must. And it doesn't matter if you consider yourself an entrepreneur or traditional professional, a website is an essential piece of your brand. Now, just to be clear, when I'm referring to "website" I'm referring to a place on the Internet that has a domain of something like – which is separate from your business website...

It's not enough to simply have active social media accounts. You NEED your own website and here's why:

1. Websites help build brand recognition. Even though websites have been around since 1991, to this day, people are still impressed if you have your own website. Your website allows you to put your best virtual foot forward and instantly establishes brand recognition.

2. Websites help position you as an expert. That's right, your website can help further establish you as an expert because YOU control the content. The thing that makes you an expert is not because you know everything about anything there is to know about your industry or field, but because you know more than other people in and out of your industry or field.

For example, when I take my car to the dealership for service, the person who takes my key and works on my car is the expert. Why? Not because she knows everything about anything there is to know about my car, but because even though I know a little something about my car, she knows more than me. Get it?

Because you control the content, and because you are an expert, your website is the perfect place to share your expertise with the world!

3. Websites differentiate you from your competition. Imagine going in for a job interview and saying to the hiring manager,

"This was a great discussion. If you want to learn more about me and my background, please visit my website. It's on my resume."

How many candidates are saying that? How many of them actually have a website so that they can say that?

And as an entrepreneur or small business owner, sure you have a website for your business, but what about a personal website? Remember, people tend to do business with PEOPLE not brands. Your personal website gives your prospective clients a place to get to know YOU outside of your business.

No longer do you need to hire a web developer. No longer does it cost thousands and thousands of dollars to get your own website. You can be up and running in less than an hour and for less that $50. So, now tell me, if you don't have your own website, what are you waiting for!?

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